Thursday, June 6, 2019

Calculations for the anti-pressure valve Essay Example for Free

Calculations for the anti-pressure valve EssayFrom the diagram before I know 4 pieces of information to find out what the two moments need to be. Firstly for the CWM I know that counter weight is 5kg, the gravity is 9. 81 N, the distance from the pivot is 0. 4m and for the ACWM moment I know that the distance from the pivot is 0. 15m. If the CWM is 5kg x 9. 81N x 0. 4m which equals 19. 62Nm then the ACWM needs to equal 19. 62Nm. I know the distance from the pivot is 0. 15m, so if I divide 19. 62Nm by the 0. 15m I will get the order for which the pressure of the carbon dioxide is coming out of the fermenting vessel, which is 130. 8N.There are several limitations for these two valves which are they might not be as cutting as they could be, not able to detect small changes in pressure. Also they are self running it could taken longer for it to get fixed if it breaks sort of than if it relied on a sympathetic operating it, so in that the fact that it was broken would get fixed q uicker. The equipment is expensive as there is lots of metallic element On the other hand there are many different advantages for these valves, which are the position of the counterweight can be easily adjusted to doctor with different amounts of pressure from within the tank or from outside.Also the design of the mechanism is of a very simple one, this is an advantage because it is vary easy to ascertain and therefore it is less likely for a human to break it. The mechanism is also not likely to break again because it is a simple lower oneself which means that there are fewer things which can go wrong. The mechanisms can also self-reset, this means that it can close itself and repeat the operation everywhere and over again without human intervention, this is an advantage because it can run itself without any need for human intervention.The mechanism has low-cost maintenance, this means that the two valves need little human activity to kept these mechanisms running and that it w ont cost much to kept them running. To develop this equipment further you could control it via computer. This would ensure accurate changes it the valves to adjust to the different conditions go about them more easily. The pressure relief valve could be used for hot water systems, gases and non-corrosive fluids. The anti-vac valve can be used in hot water heaters. http//www. plumbworld. co. uk/3-bar-relief-valve-12-3-bar-231-60 http//www. rwc. co. uk/Public/gplumb/antivac. pdf

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