Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Sales Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sales - Case Study ExampleSimilar is the case at Shields where a new manager leading a gross revenue police squad that is facing issues in accepting companys new sales policy (which is in line with that of its main competitor) that is to generate sales through big accounts rather than several small ones as done earlier. Continuation with the same tactic of follow throughing the new policy over the sales team might number in more slumps in sales quota and increased drop outs that would result in mismanagement of the existing accounts hence further right in sale level. Summary of the Facts Shield is an Insurance company that provides customized insurance and risk management programs to all size of commercial enterprises. Shield is a result oriented company. Their main objective is profit maximization through increased sales revenue. Following the footsteps of its major competitor the higher management decided to implement a new sales strategy namely First-Plus to increase revenues by bringing in larger accounts. Training of new managers done in abstractive manner through manuals in only 5 days period. Training comprising majorly of introducing First-Plus a new policy for sales rather than how to manage a sales team effectively as well as efficiently.

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