Friday, June 7, 2019

Hager Shipley in The Stone Angel Essay Example for Free

Hager Shipley in The Stone Angel EssayIn Margaret Laurences novel, The Stone Angel, Hagar Shipley is the main character. Born the daughter of Jason Currie, she is one who possesses improbable depth in character. Mingling past and present, we observe the very qualities, which sustained her and deprived her of joy such as her lack of emotional expression. As well, get her fathers harsh qualities, she exhibited pride that detested weakness in any form. Despite of her negative attri notwithstandinges she also displayed a exacting mannerism through courage. Thus, Hagar is a cold, hardly strong willed woman. Such qualities give us a portrait of a remarkable character. Hagars most noticeable characteristic was her lack of feeling and emotion.Indeed there where many situations where she could not physic all(prenominal)y express what she felt in her heart. She did not cry at the death of her son John. That night she was transformed to stone and neer wept at all (Laurence 243). Duri ng Marvins childhood, she would impatiently dismiss him due to his slowness of speech. Once when an ecstatic Marvin told Hagar that he finished his chores, Hagar bluntly sends him away saying, I can bring in youve finished. Ive got eyes. Get along now (Laurence 112). Even as a child she was lacked emotion when she could not provide comfort to her dying br early(a), Daniel. Daniel needed the comfort of his mother, but for Hagar, to play at being her it was beyond me (Laurence 25). Indeed, Hagars deficiency in feeling or expressing emotion was a visible characteristic throughout the novel.As a result of her upbringing, Hagar possesses pride that despises weakness in any form. As a young girl she displayed this trait when her dad slapped her hand, I wouldnt let him see me cry, I was so enraged (Laurence 9). As previously mentioned before, Hagar could not portray her mother to comfort her dying brother. She characterized her mother as the woman Dan was said to resemble so much and fr om whom hed inherited a frailty I could not help but detest (Laurence 25). When Hagar brought upon the subject of marriage with Bram Shipley to her father he made it liberate that theres not a decent girl in this town would wed without her familys consent (Laurence 49). Hagar rebelliously responded, It will be done by me (Laurence 49) and eventually marries Bram. Thus, throughout the novel, Hagars attribute of scornful pride is evidently exhibited.In contrast to her negative character, Hagar exhibits a great deal of courage. Following Hagars marriage to Bram, she immediately faced the verity of the life. The next day Hagar cleaned the house inside out. I had never scrubbed a floor in my life, but I worked that day as though Id been driven by a whip (Laurence 52). Hagar also had the courage to leave Bram for the sake of her childrens future. Physically, Hagar did not lack courage. At the age of 90, Hagar was able to painfully experience her journey to Shadow Point. Thus, her fear less character classifies her as a strong willed woman.Theres no question that Hagar, young or old, is a cold yet courageous woman. She was deficient in physically expressing her feelings and emotions. She also possessed an unbending pride, which despised weakness in any form. However, despite of her negative attributes she still exhibits a positive aspect through her courage. Hagars character has such immense depth. She may not be perfect nevertheless she is unique.Important Note If youd like to save a copy of the paper on your computer, you can COPY and PASTE it into your word processor. Please, follow these steps to do that in Windows1. Select the text of the paper with the lift and press Ctrl+C.2. Open your word processor and press Ctrl+V.Companys (the Web Site) is produced by the Company. 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