Saturday, June 15, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10

Proposal - Essay ExampleMoreover, the kinds of issues raised by this saga are concentrated on interesting for this companionable group ordinary relations within family and school institutions, romantic love, and superpowers. Thus, analyzing this text enables discovery of the main messages that are accepted by contemporary adolescents in cost of Hollywood cultural industry, Twihards fan culture, and phenomenon of contemporary globalization process. For this purpose, both text written by Stephanie Mayer and its film adaptation are considered in the current research.In case of Hollywood cultural industry, the way the screening of Twilight saga happened was made in a standardized way described by Theodor Adorno. In this context, rule-governed referring to the movies celebrities in general and romantic real love between main actors in particular is reflected in the usual way Hollywood movies are promoted nowadays. Therefore, the way Twilight Saga was presented on the screen determines the whole context of teenagers behavior and ideals in the society. As for fan culture, the fact that most Twihards (Twilight fans) have distaff gender corresponds with the observation made by Henry Jenkins on distinguishing eroticized fans from whole the others. But, this approach should applied not only on exotic forms of culture tho also in such an ordinary case of customer culture. Thus, the fan communities should be also considered from the Gender Studies perspective. Finally, contemporary globalization with the phenomenon of eating the other stated in Hooks essay is literally used in Twilight. In particular, Edward Callen and all the members of his family have extremely white skin. Moreover, they are superior to all the others as they are able to kill by eating blood. And so, in this case Hooks theory can be applied even so more accurately than the author supposed to use it.In context

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